In June the Lawyers Trust Fund celebrated 30 years of supporting legal aid in Illinois. LTF was established in 1983 by the Illinois State and Chicago Bar Associations and tasked with administering the IOLTA program created by the Illinois Supreme Court. Since then it has made more than $125 million in grants to make equal justice a reality. Along the way, LTF has spearheaded numerous initiatives to bolster the reach and impact of legal aid in Illinois.
None of this would have been achieved without the leadership of supportive judges, bar leaders, and the presidents and members of LTF’s board of directors. LTF had the opportunity to thank many of these leaders at a reception hosted by Jenner & Block earlier this summer. Here are a few images from that special evening.

LTF Director of Banking Terri Smith with Treasurer Jennifer Nijman and Executive Director Ruth Ann Schmitt.

LTF Treasurer Jennifer Nijman, CBA President and former LTF President Tim Eaton, and board member Jack Carey.

A collection of past and present LTF board members (front row l-r): LTF Vice President Jennifer T. Nijman, Beth Jensen, Chief Justice Thomas L. Kilbride (board liaison), and Terri Mascherin. Back row (l-r) Jack Carey, LTF President Herb Franks, former President David Hilliard, LTF Treasurer Jim Reichardt, Tom Johnson, Rich Prendergast, Kevin Forde, and Warren Lupel.